The new year has come and gone. Winter grips part of the world in a refusal to let go, while other parts burn. And not always the parts that USUALLY freeze or burn this time of year.
We’ve had a rough couple years. But one thing that has continued to bring brightness and joy to so many are the constant updates of our favorite serial novels. And here at the Serial Novel Advocacy Group, we’re bringing a little more joy and levity to it all.
The Serial Swap is a simple idea that has held on strong for over a decade now. Writers that sign up get assigned to the serial of another writer. They read a bit of the serial if they aren’t already, and then write a non-canon, joke post.
We had some troubles this year, but you can see the swaps that DID occur below.
There are a lot of ways to do so, but the idea is to end with an obvious joke, an APRIL FOOLS! (Character dies, dead character comes back to life, someone uses an internet meme, something to make the reader gasp, and then say, waitaminute….)
On April 1st, everyone posts the update written for them, linking back to the joke writer’s serial, and a link to the joke post THEY wrote for another serial. This gets a lot of traffic and motion, lots of discussion, and is generally good fun for all involved. Please sign up if interested, and spread the link around to any serial writer you know who would be interested! The more the merrier.
Q. Do I have to have a long running serial?
A. NO! We do think that having an April Fool post before you have enough of an established story to play with might not work out the best, but that choice is up to you. All serial writers are welcome.
Q. But what if I don’t have the time to READ a huge backlog of an old serial?
A. DON’T! A few recent updates are generally enough to get the gist, and we put you in touch with each other, so you can always ask the writer you are writing for questions about their serial.
Q. What if the person assigned to write me doesn’t deliver? Am I screwed to be without a post because I spent my time writing for someone else?
A. It happens. We always have a few volunteers on hand that are able to step up and quickly write a replacement. No worries. No one has ever gone into the 1st without a post.
Sign up at
First matches will be sent out February 18th, but signups will continue, and the final matches sent out March 1st, to make sure everyone has enough time to read and write an update alongside their own normal writing.