I thought I’d start out the Wednesday Writing Prompt series with one of the phrases that has been heard time and again by everyone one of us. “Show, don’t tell.” The advice is generally bullshit. It takes a lot of us time to realize that it is bullshit, and why, but agent Dongwon Song, on twitter, outlined recently the… Read more →
Month: June 2017
Wednesday Writing Prompts
Here you will find a variety of writing prompts, with new ones added every Wednesday. Unlike most writing prompts that give unique ideas and situations, we will try to focus on prompts and ideas that can fit into your existing WIP. In addition, many of the prompts are designed to work on specific rules, and how to break them, giving… Read more →
Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends, I am so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside!
The Leaking Pen has existed since early 1999. A Geocities page, it was my first attempt at making a writing collective, a place for people to share, learn, and grow together. I intended writing prompts, discussion pages, essays from published authors to share (actually had one from Piers Anthony!) It lasted a few years, and had some actual discussion.… Read more →